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Special Interest Groups (SIGs) 

SLANSW offers a number of Special Interest Groups (SIGs) as a benefit of membership. Members can opt-in to one or more SIG; Mentoring, Networking, Non Teaching School Library Staff, and Research. 

The four SLANSW Special Interest Groups (SIGs) have been created in response to members’ comments and requests and future-focused, library-related literature. The SIGs offer members the opportunity to customise their professional learning by joining a learning community of colleagues with similar professional needs and interests. The relatively informal nature of SIG meetings encourages greater participation as attendees share ideas and discuss issues raised by SIG members.

Apart from the Mentoring SIG, which requires a regular commitment from mentors and mentees, the other SIGs operate on a more fluid basis. Members can come and go as they wish. That said, there’s real benefit to be gained from becoming a regular and active member of a learning community and forming professional relationships with the members of one’s “tribe.”

Mentoring SIG 

In 2022 SLANSW offered a one-year mentoring pilot scheme as part of its professional development program. Teacher Librarians of all sectors and levels of experience were invited to participate in this exciting scheme as either mentor or mentee. Due to its success the Mentoring SIG is now run each year via an Expression of Interest process.  Feedback from previous participants about their experiences with this SIG: 

Discussing my reading program meant I had a more fleshed out program which has been very successful at school. (Mentee 2023)

Meeting other TLs and learning about what others are doing in their library programs. (Mentee 2023)

Developing my skills in sharing and encouraging a colleague in their journey as a TL. (Mentor 2022)

It was an opportunity for a member of the profession to guide me through the ups and downs of my role. It was recommended by a friend that I utilise a mentor to grow professionally. (Mentee 2022)

This SIG operates from April to December each year.   

Networking SIG 

In 2023 SLANSW introduced a new Networking Special Interest Group (SIG) to provide a platform to support members and encourage ongoing dialogue in our professional learning community. The Networking SIG also provides a continuing networking opportunity for graduate mentees and mentors of the Mentoring SIG.

The aim of the Networking SIG is to create opportunities for our members to network and discuss a variety of issues and topics in a variety of ways and formats. Meetings will be offered in face-to-face as well as online modes. The SLANSW Professional Learning Book Club is also a part of this SIG. At the Term Two meeting, we will be discussing Margaret Merga's latest book Creating a reading culture in primary and secondary schools. It will be so beneficial to hear Gabrielle Mace, Head of Library Services and Principal Consultant at ProReading Solutions, speak about this resource, and her work and research that has informed some of Dr Merga’s book. Start reading it now so that you can get the most out of our discussion.

For further information or to register for the Term 2 session:  Special Interest Group - Networking 

Non Teaching School Library Staff SIG 

The Non-Teaching School Library Staff Special Interest Group is an informal gathering held each term. Participants are encouraged to bring along their coffee and connect with others. The hour-long session often involves presentations providing practical ideas and inspiration about relevant topics for library professionals. There are opportunities for small group discussions and all participants to share what’s working in their library or to  discuss common challenges.

For further information or to register for the Term 2 session: Non-Teaching School Library SIG - Term 2 2024

Research SIG 

The aim of the Research Special Interest Group is to encourage and support its members to engage in reflective practices that explore and communicate the impact of the services, programs, and spaces in their school libraries. Group members are encouraged to identify a change they would like to make in their libraries or a new strategy they would like to try and will be supported in areas such as data collection and analysis, and appropriate ways to communicate their project findings for maximum impact. The hour-long meetings of the group comprise a short information session followed by discussion and the sharing of ideas and practices. 

For further information or to register for the Term 2 session: Special Interest Group - Research

Special Interest Group Events

Please register for these events via: Events

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