Dr Ross J Todd Research GrantDr Ross Todd was a colleague and mentor, SLANSW John Hirst Award winner, school library advocate, and supporter of the Association’s research endeavours. At the heart of Ross’ legacy of research and literature pertaining to school libraries, lies his call for evidence-based practice. The challenge, he notes, “is to move beyond simply reporting state studies to crafting a compelling narrative that starts with local evidence of practice and links to the wider formal research evidence for practice” (Todd, 2015, p. 12). The Ross J Todd Research Grant honours Ross’ memory and his commitment to practitioner research by supporting members engaging in research in their school libraries that contributes to the building of local evidence. The Ross J Todd Research Grant of $1000 will sponsor the successful recipient, be they an individual teacher librarian or school library team, to undertake a research project within their school. The grant is intended to assist the recipient with expenses incurred in the conduct of the research, such as accessing professional advice from a mentor, registration for a professional learning event that supports the conduct of the research, or casual cover while the recipient undertakes aspects of the research process. SLANSW will provide mentoring support for the recipient (if required). Award criteria:
Submission of nominations:
Announcement of Grant: The SLANSW Research Grant for 2024 will be announced via a SLANSW Media Release and the SLANSW website. The SLANSW Committee reserves the right not to award this grant in any year. Download Award Criteria (pdf) and Application form (pdf) Todd, R. (2015). Evidence-based practice and school libraries: Interconnections of Evidence, Advocacy, and Actions. Knowledge Quest, 43(3), 8–15. Previous Recipients
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