Presented by Anne Whisken
Former Head of Resource Centre, Mellor Library,
Carey Baptist Grammar School
, Kew Campus
This session will introduce participants to implications arising from Anne’s PhD research about ways that Participatory Action Research (PAR) can be used for teacher professional development. In this study, case groups of teachers at three different year levels at a Victorian secondary school explored use of Informed Learning ideas to enhance subject learning by bringing explicit attention to expert information strategies.
Participants will be introduced to the process of Participatory Action Research (PAR) for teacher professional development. It is a process based on the successful evidence-based theories and principles of action research which aims to give its participants ownership of the means of changing their practices. Operating as a group, teachers identify a problem in their own practice areas, then work through cycles of action in which they explore relevant theory within the context of their own practices, devise and trial new pedagogies, and then review and report the results. As they do so, they co-construct common understandings about the problem, the application of the theory in their own subject areas and classrooms, and together develop and share pedagogical solutions which best suit the learning intentions of the curriculum.
It is important to properly structure, document and report PAR so that the time and resources devoted to the process are justified, so that participants gain professional development points for ongoing accreditation, and so that the professional learning can be recorded, celebrated and reported into the field for use by others for evidence based practice. While such professional development works best when a whole school approach is used, and time and support given to its operation, it can be done on a smaller scale within a subject area, year level or used for defined purposes, such as in library program areas.
About Anne
Anne has studied and worked in the library field for many decades, chiefly in school libraries. Her research journey has mostly involved action research to inform and transform teacher and library practice. Her PhD thesis has recently been presented for examination at Charles Sturt University. It used the qualitative methodologies of multiple case study and Participatory Action Research (PAR) for professional development in which teachers investigated ways they might use Informed Learning ideas to close the gap between information literacy education theory and practice. From the findings arose implications for future practice and research, including a set of ten Benchmarks for whole school information practice and Informed Learning PAR for teacher professional development.
About SLANSW Online Meet-Ups
The meet-ups are currently not accredited by NESA, but qualify as Teacher Identified Professional Development (TIPD). The one-hour meet-ups will take place in SLANSW's Zoom conference room and comprise:
- 30-minute presentation
- 15-minute Q&A with the presenter/s
- 15-minute facilitated discussion between attendees.
A maximum of 100 places are available for each meet-up, so get your registrations in ASAP.
Participation in SLANSW online meet-ups is at no cost to members. Non-members may access the meet-ups for $35 per session.
The one-hour meet-up takes place in SLANSW's Zoom conference room.
Those who register for this event will receive an email within 24 hours before the event, with details to access this online session.