SLANSW Professional Learning Summit
Libraries Looking Forward:
Navigating the evolving role of the school library in the EdTech landscape.
Abbotsleigh (Wahroonga)
The September SLANSW Professional Learning Summit focuses on the theme of Information and Digital Literacy. This Summit is future focussed, providing participants with information and strategies to help navigate the rapidly evolving teaching and learning opportunities in the EdTech environment.
It is an exciting time to be working in school libraries and our presenters will provide you with innovative and thought-provoking content that will ignite your creativity and encourage you to take action to lead your school in implementing new technology and designing new programs.
Our plenary and keynote presenters are experts in their field and bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to the Summit. This is complemented by our workshop presenters who will provide practical solutions and advice based on their experiences in the school library environment.
Along with offering an outstanding program, we are also excited to be returning to face-to-face mode for this Summit. To welcome you back to this format we are offering a very attractive pricing structure for SLANSW members, providing you with a wonderful opportunity to network with colleagues. We look forward to meeting you on September 9 at Abbotsleigh Junior School for what will be an enriching and engaging day of professional learning.
Details of the full summit program are available here.
Featured speakers include
Dr Jane Hunter

Dr Jane Hunter is a former primary and secondary school teacher. She is an Associate Professor in teacher education specialising in curriculum, pedagogy, and digital learning in K-12 education at the University of Technology Sydney. Her work reinforces the importance of continuous teacher professional learning through ongoing school-university partnerships. The pedagogical framework developed out of her research with teachers known as ‘High Possibility Classrooms’ was awarded ‘high impact’ by the Australian Research Council (2019) and has led to innovation and changes to practice; her latest book featuring research on integrated STEM with teachers recommends a new ‘blueprint’ for Australian schools. Catch Jane on Twitter @janehunter01 and her latest venture: a new podcast series Talking Teachers offering solutions to the current challenges in our schools.
Dr Erica Southgate

Erica Southgate is Associate Professor of Emerging Technologies for Education (University of Newcastle, Australia). She is a teacher educator and maker of computer games for literacy. Erica is an expert on AI ethics for education and lead researcher on the VR School Study , the longest-running research on embedding VR into school classrooms across subject areas. She is lead author on the Australian Government commissioned report, ‘Artificial Intelligence and Emerging Technologies (AR, MR and VR) in Schools’ and author of ‘Virtual Reality in Curriculum and Pedagogy: Evidence from Secondary Classrooms’ (Routledge). For more on Erica’s research see her websites https://vrschoolresearch.com/ and https://ericasouthgateonline.wordpress.com/
Matthew Estermen
Matthew Esterman is a History teacher and Director of Innovation and Partnerships at Our Lady of Mercy College, Parramatta. He holds masters degrees from Macquarie University and the University of Sydney, and is the recipient of several awards from organisations such as the Australian College of Educators (ACE) and the Australian Council for Educational Leadership (ACEL). His role involves establishing and maintaining valuable partnerships with external organisations, as well as seeking out and adopting innovative approaches to the school experience. His portfolio includes supporting the Library and Careers Education teams. Matthew recently launched the Mercy Multicredential initiative at OLMC, which allows students to curate a portfolio of evidence from across their school experience towards a nationally recognised, formal credential. He is a keen lifelong learner who believes we can bend the future using creativity, critical thinking, and compassion.
Workshop presenters include:
Emily Williams, Jody McDonnell, Andrew Downie, Louise Mashiah, Siobhan James, Shalini Gupta, Amanda Johnstone, Trinity Hastie, and Louise Saint-John.
Details of the full summit program are available here.
Please note SLANSW's Cancellation and Refund Policy for Professional Learning Events when registering for this conference
Suggested Standards addressed by this Summit
2.6.2 Use effective teaching strategies to integrate ICT into learning and teaching programs to make selected content relevant and meaningful.
6.2.2 Participate in learning to update knowledge and practice targeted to professional needs and school and/or system priorities.
6.3.2 Contribute to collegial discussions and apply constructive feedback from colleagues to improve professional knowledge and practice.
7.4.2 Participate in professional and community networks and forums to broaden knowledge and improve practice.
Certificate of participation available via request to: info@slansw.net.au